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Tuesday 13 January 2015

ADF Performance Tuning part-1 - Production tuning

  1. animation-enabled=false in trinidad-config.xml file
  2. in web.xml file do the following changes if not done already
    1. oracle.adf.view.rich.automation.ENABLE=false
    2. oracle.adf.view.rich.ASSERT_ENABLED=false
    3. org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.CHECK_FILE_MODIFICATION=false
    4.  org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.COMPRESS_VIEW_STATES=true
    5. org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT=false
    6. org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.DISABLE_CONTENT_COMPRESSION=false
    7. oracle.adf.view.rich.libraryPartitioning.DISABLED=false 
    8. oracle.adf.view.rich.LOGGER_LEVEL=false
    9. javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD=client 
    10. oracle.adf.view.rich.versionString.HIDDEN=true

  3.  Use the ADFLogger
  4. Don't use System.out.* or System.err.* - These have major impact on performance
  5. Remove commented out code
  6. Do not import view or controller classes
  7. Close callableStatement, preparedStatements and RowSetIterators
  8. Use application module JDBC data source only not  JDBC URLs.
  9. Run with Enable Application Module pooling on for production .
  10. Define at least one entity object key attribute per entity object.
  11.  Ensure entity object UI Hints and messages are internationalized
  12. Avoid read only view objects as far as possible
  13. Use view criteria over editing view object where clauses
  14. Never use view object select *
  15. Limit custom code in bean accessors -ie. in getters and setters
  16. Use beans only defined in the task flow for reuse 
  17. Avoid applicationScope and sessionScope variables
  18. Define applicationScope and sessionScope beans in adfc-config.xml
  19. Only create backing beans when actually needed, do not bind unnecessary component references into backing beans.
  20. Avoid long component ID lengths.
  21. Avoid unnecessary use of clientComponent=true
  22. Use rendered=false over visible=false wherever possible.
  23. Never rely on UI side validation.
  24. Avoid inline page/fragment JavaScript and CSS
  25. Manual tests for UIs should include stretch / shrink behavior.
  26. Manual tests for UIs should include changing font size[Zoom-in and Zoom-out testing]
  27. url.rewriting.enabled should be false in weblogic.xml
  28. Make sure jbo.debugoutput  is disabled for production
  29. Make HA available. Add this entry in adf-config.xml file
  <adf-controller-config xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/controller/config">

1 comment:

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