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Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Merge two Columns into one column while showing data Seperately

Use case scenario:  You may need to show your two column header as well as data into a single ADF Table column. 
Please refer the below image for use case:

ADF has made this use case very simple.
You have just wrap your existing(required) Columns into a single column and its done.

Here is the required code sample:
 <af:column headerText="Emplyee Name"  id="c5" align="center">
          <af:column headerText="First Name" id="c8">
                     <af:outputText value="F_Name #{vs.index+1} " id="ot6"/>
          <af:column headerText="Last Name" id="c9">
                    <af:outputText value="L_Name #{vs.index+1}" id="ot5"/>

Implement selectBooleanRadio in Table Column and show it selected by row selection

Here is use case scenarios:
1. A column with radio button. At a single point of time only one radio button should be shown selected in that column.
2. Selecting the radio button will select that row and vice-versa.

Point no. 1 is achieved by simply drag and drop of selectBooleanRadio component.

 <af:column headerText="Select" id="cs4" rowHeader="true" width="50">       <af:selectBooleanRadio text="" label="Label 1" group="RadioButtons"                                 id="sbr1"/> </af:column>
 Remember to add group="RadioButtons" attribute.

For point no. 2 we have to make a javaScript call.
And here is the required code in jspx or jsff.
  <af:resource type="javascript" source="/js/custom.js"/>
And in custom.js add these Lines.

function rowSelectionListener(evt) {
    var table = evt.getSource();
    var selectedRowKey;
    for (key in table.getSelectedRowKeys()) {
        table.findComponent('sbr1', key).setValue(false);
        selectedRowKey = key;
    table.findComponent('sbr1', selectedRowKey).setValue(true);

Special thanks for point 2 goes to ADF Goodies.
Here is the Link

Monday, 22 December 2014

Insert new row at the end of an ADF Table

In some of case you may want to insert a new row at the end of the table then this method will come handy.

 public String CreateInsert() { 
DCBindingContainer bindings = (DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
        DCIteratorBinding dcIterBind =
        Row newRow = dcIterBind.getViewObject().createRow();
        ViewObject vo = dcIterBind.getViewObject();
        // to insert row at the end of the table
        return null; 


Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Useful shortcut keys for Jdeveloper and Oracle ADF

Here are few Jdeveloper shortcuts that can come handy while development [ mostly for Jdev 12c }
  1. Surround with popUp :  ALT+Shift+Z
  2. System.out.println(); : sop+Ctrl+Enter

JSF Lifecycle in short

  1. JSF Restore View: First phase receives the page request from JSF servlet and attempts to find and restore server side components state (A set of server side memory objects that builds the server side hierarchical page structure.). If view can't found as identified by requested view id , a new view is created on the server and the current page's view is stored in FacesContext static object.
  2. Apply request values: The requested values are read and converted to the data type requested by underlying model attributes. The values are accessed from UI components submitted values and passed to local value. When an input component's immediate attribute is set to true, its component validation is performed and component's listeners are executed within this phase. This is one of two phases in which page navigation can occur.
  3. Process Validation: Components are validated for missing data. At the end of this phase value change events are fired.
  4. Update Model Values: Model is updated with the validated value of UI components local values. Then local values of UI components are discarded.
  5. Invoke Application: During this phase , all application level events such as Form Submits are executed. This phase also executes a view layer logic that is stored in action listeners. Page navigation can occur in this phase.
  6. Render Response: Prepares the page view for display on client (Browser). If page view is called for first time, then restore view phase directly passed control to this phase.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

working with ADF af:inputListOfValues

By default this component will provide an editable inputText , where user can edit value . In some cases we don't want to give this functionality, we just want to give functionality to select the values.
for this we have to make

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

ADF Custom converter for Input/Output Text

As we have already covered most widely used ADF custom validators , now its time to have some hands on ADF custom converters.

 Let's take simple task of displaying a text in upperCase.
 Here goes the sample code of our class
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.convert.Converter;

public class UpperCaseConverter implements Converter {
    public UpperCaseConverter() {
    public String getAsString(FacesContext fc, UIComponent uIComponent, Object  obj) {

    return obj.toString().toUpperCase();


    public Object getAsObject(FacesContext fc, UIComponent uIComponent, String string) {

    return string.toString().toUpperCase();


Now we will register this class in our faces-config.xml in the converters section.
And we can apply this converter simply by giving its ID.

  <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.FirstName.inputValue}"
                                id="it3" converter="UpperCase"/>       

Thursday, 22 May 2014

How to make Appmodule service interface

Exposing Appmodule's VO as a webservice is pretty easy in Oracle ADF. It can be achieved very quickly
Here are the steps:
  1.  Open the Appmodule and go to ServiceInterface link.
  2. Before creating the ServiceInterface you can also create your custom methods exposed to AM. These will be also converted to webservices.
  3. Now click on + icon in the ServiceInterface tab of AM.
  4. Custom methods exposed to AM will be displayed here as the Service
    Custom methods. Expose these if you want to.
  5. Now go to Service View Instances tab to expose your VOs to the webservices.
  6. Now you are ready to deploy this AM service interface to your server. Follow the deployment steps as follows:-
  7. Go to your model- >right click-> Deployment profiles->Business Components Service interface-> give a meaning full profile name.
  8. Now go to Application properties ->Deployment->Edit the ear-> Application Assembly->Model->Check only MiddleTier[Uncheck the common].
  9. Click Ok and deploy the ear to your server.
  10. Don't forget to add yourAppModuleNameService?wsdl after the model context-root

Monday, 5 May 2014

Useful methods in Oracle ADF. Part -1

1. Getting the VO

a.)  DCBindingContainer dcBindings = (DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
            DCIteratorBinding dcIterBind = (DCIteratorBinding)dcBindings.get("VO1Iterator");  //VO1Iterator define in page def
            ViewObject vo = dcIterBind.getViewObject();
b.) AppModuleImpl amImpl= getApplicationModuleImpl();

     ViewObject vo=  amImpl.getVO();

2. Getting the Application module
ApplicationModule am=vo.getApplicationModule();
        FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        ValueBinding vb = fc.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{data}");
        BindingContext bc = (BindingContext)vb.getValue(fc);
        DCDataControl dc = bc.findDataControl("AppModuleDataControl");
        PublicPortalAppModuleImpl am = (PublicPortalAppModuleImpl)dc.getDataProvider();
3. Row count of a table
        RowSetIterator invoiceRsItr = dcIterBind.getRowSetIterator();
        System.out.println("invoiceRsItr.invoiceRsItr.getRowCount(): " +

4. Get URL parameter value
  public static String getURLParamVal(String pv_strParamerName) {
    HttpServletRequest objHttpServletRequest = (HttpServletRequest)getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getRequest();
    return objHttpServletRequest.getParameter(pv_strParamerName);

5. Get operationBinding e.g.- RollBack , Commit etc
      public static OperationBinding getOperBinding(String operationName)
      OperationBinding operBind=null;
      FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
      ValueBinding vb = fc.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{bindings}");
      DCBindingContainer bindingContainer = (DCBindingContainer)vb.getValue(fc);
      oper = (OperationBinding)bindingContainer.getOperationBinding(operation);
      return operBind;

6. Get the selected rows for ADF table
      a.)  DCBindingContainer dcBindings =(DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
        DCIteratorBinding dcIterBind =
        RowSetIterator invoiceRsItr = dcIterBind.getRowSetIterator();
        RowKeySet rwkset1 = tableBind.getSelectedRowKeys();
        Iterator iter=rwkset1.iterator();
        Row row=null;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Key key=(Key)((List)iter.next()).get(0);
            System.out.println("key "+key);
            row =
            System.out.println("Email Selected-->" +

Note: HR schema's employee table is used, tableBind is the binding of the UI adf table
        Iterator iter = tableBind.getSelectedRowKeys().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Object key= iter.next();
            FacesCtrlHierNodeBinding rw = (FacesCtrlHierNodeBinding)tableBind.getRowData();
            System.out.println("Invoice Selected-->" +

7. Selecting all rows of the table by a booleanCheckBox 

    public static void checkUncheckAll(String dcIteratorName, String rowName,
                                 String checkBoxVal) {
        DCBindingContainer dcBindings =
        DCIteratorBinding dcIterBind =
        RowSetIterator rsetIter = dcIterBind.getRowSetIterator();
        Row rw = null;
        boolean isFirst = true;
        while (rsetIter.hasNext()) {
            if (isFirst) {
                rw = rsetIter.first();
                isFirst = false;
            } else {
                rw = rsetIter.next();
            rw.setAttribute(rowName, checkBoxVal);
       // rsetIter.reset();    //reset to start the Iterator all over
        rsetIter.closeRowSetIterator();  //always remember to closeit-think it as resultset

Note:  dcIteratorName- name of VO iterator from Page Binding,VO column which has be implemented as checkBox,checkbox value-Boolean or Yes/No depending upon your logic
 8. Get the name of VOs exposed to the particular am
       String vonames[]= vo.getApplicationModule().getViewObjectNames();
        for (int i=0;i<vonames.length;i++){

Friday, 4 April 2014

ADF javaScript / JS Hacks

1. Using JS in a jsff page
jsff doesn't usually load the js when the af:resource tag is embeded just after jsp:root tag.
To make it work add af:resource inside a formLayout or panelGroupLayout.
                      <af:resource type="javascript">
                           function fnc(evt){ ... }

more detailed info can be found at

ADF CSS hacks

1. Changing default icon for ADF input text error 


Monday, 31 March 2014

Custom Export to Excel in functionality in Oracle ADF

    public static void exportHtmlTableToExcel(DCIteratorBinding customVO1Iterator) throws IOException {

                String filename = "ExportedExcel.csv";


        //Setup the output

        String contentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
        FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        HttpServletResponse response =
                           "attachment; filename=" + filename);

        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
        RowSetIterator rsi = customVO1Iterator.getRowSetIterator();
        //    Get the Headers
        String[] attNames = rsi.getRowAtRangeIndex(0).getAttributeNames();

        for (int i = 0; i < attNames.length; i++) {
            if (i > 0)

//Setting the first row data ,was creating problem in my application-- so called reset
        Boolean isFirst = true;
        while (rsi.hasNext()) {
            Row currentRow = null;
            if (isFirst) {
                currentRow = rsi.first();
                isFirst = false;
            } else {
                currentRow = rsi.next();
            if (currentRow != null) {
                Object[] attValues = currentRow.getAttributeValues();
                for (int j = 0; j < attValues.length; j++) {
                    if (j > 0)
                    if (attValues[j] != null)
                        out.print("\"" + attValues[j] + "\"");





Monday, 24 February 2014

Backing up Oracle VM

Backup is always required for the enterprise products, so is for Oracle VM.
let's start backing up one by one component of oracle VM.
1. Oracle VM manager:  Oracle VM manager is responsible for managing OVS and VMs.
Things need to be backup up for the manager are:
  1. /u01- if possible keep a backup of this folder. This is the folder in which all installers goes.
  2. /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/.config- This config file is Oracle VM Manager configuration file for database
  3. /etc/sysconfig/ovmm-Oracle VM Manager configuration file for backups-contains UUID for the manager. Incase of reinstall of VM manager it provides UUID of previous installation.
  4. OVS schema- this is the default schema created by the OVM.- if possible take full DB backup
2. Oracle VM Guests and Resources: We don't want to reinstall the VMs in case of any disaster. So need a proper strategies for the VM guests and resources. here are the important files need to be backed up.
  1. /OVS/Repositories/<UUID>/Assemblies-
  2. /OVS/Repositories/<UUID>/ISOs-
  3. /OVS/Repositories/<UUID>/Templates-
  4. /OVS/Repositories/<UUID>/VirtualDisks-
  5. /OVS/Repositories/<UUID>/VirtualMachines/<VirtualMachineUUID>/vm.cfg-

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Controlling ADF loopback Script

This code controls the ADF loopback script to run on each new window opened, whether its a ADF popup or browser popup.


Monday, 3 February 2014

HTML Formatting / Styling in ADF outputText

HTML Formatting in outputText (Escape Attribute)

For applying styling to some of the content, outputText's escape attribute could be used. Example:-

<af:outputText value="&lt;h2>ADF Tips and Tricks&lt;/h2>"/>
<af:outputText value="&lt;h2>ADF Tips and Tricks&lt;/h2>"

<h2>ADF Tips and Tricks</h2>
ADF Tips and Tricks

Note: You should avoid setting the escape attribute to false unless absolutely necessary. outputFormatted  component is more recommended in such cases.