Flipkart Search

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Static list in ADF the other way

The manage bean property of ADF can also provide the static list without a actual managed Bean{Interesting ??}. Let's do with an Example.
Inside your adfc-config.xml or your page-flow.xml register this list as below

  <managed-bean id="__3">

and access the pair  in EL as #{StaticBean['rahulkaitian']}

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Get and set task-flow input parameter value in managed bean

1. Method to get the value of TaskFlow inputParameter value 
public static Object getPageFlowParamVal(String tf_paramName){
  ADFContext adfContext = ADFContext.getCurrent();
  return adfContext.getPageFlowScope().get(tf_paramName);
2.  Method to set the value of TaskFlow inputParameter value 
public static void putPageFlowVarVal(String pageFlowScopeVarName,
 Object pageFlowScopeVarVal) {
     ADFContext adfContext = ADFContext.getCurrent();